amin adibi
Research Scientist, University of British Columbia


  • Fairness, Racial Equity, and Algorithmic Harm
  • Clinical Prediction Models
  • Responsible Deployment of AI in Medicine
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Health Technology Assessment


University of British Columbia
2023 - present
Ph.D. Health Outcomes and Epidemiology
University of Calgary
2013 - 2015
M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering
Sharif University of Technology
2007 - 2013
B.Sc. Engineering


Featured Publications

See my Google Scholar for the full list
Is Achieving a Fully Race-Neutral Approach to Lung Function Classification Even Possible?, 2025, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Amin Adibi , Mohsen Sadatsafavi , Emily Brigham , Surya Bhatt
The effect of health disparities on racial gaps in lung function, 2024, European Respiratory Journal
Amin Adibi , Christopher Carlsten , Emily Brigham , Don Sin , Peter Loewen , Mohsen Sadatsafavi
Using language models to integrate clinical decision support and note taking: a qualitative study, 2024, European Respiratory Journal
Amin Adibi , Rocco Tian Lang Ruan , Xiulun Yin , Yusheng Ding , Karon E. Maclean
HEPA Air Filters for Preventing Wildfire-related Asthma Complications, a Cost-Effectiveness Study, 2023, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Amin Adibi , Prabjit Barn , Erin M. Shellington , Stephanie Harvard , Kate M. Johnson , Christopher Carlsten
Developing an online infrastructure to enhance Model accessibility and validation: The Peer Models Network, 2022, PharmacoEconomics
Stephanie Harvard , Amin Adibi , Adam Easterbrook , Gregory R Werker , David Murphy , Don Grant , Alison Mclean , Zhina Majdzadeh , Mohsen Sadatsafavi
Programmable Interface for Statistical & Simulation Models (PRISM): Towards greater accessibility of clinical and healthcare decision models, 2022, arXiv
Amin Adibi , Stephanie Harvard , Mohsen Sadatsafavi
Value judgments in a COVID-19 vaccination model: a case study in the need for public involvement in health-oriented modelling, 2021, Social Science & Medicine
Stephanie Harvard , Eric Winsberg , John Symons , Amin Adibi
Vaccination of front-line workers with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: Benefits in the face of increased risk for prothrombotic thrombocytopenia, 2021, medRxiv
Amin Adibi , Mohammad Mozafarihashjin , Mohsen Sadatsafavi
The Acute COPD Exacerbation Prediction Tool (ACCEPT): a modelling study, 2020, Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Amin Adibi , Don D Sin , Abdollah Safari , Kate M Johnson , Shawn D Aaron , J Mark FitzGerald , Mohsen Sadatsafavi
Validation and utility testing of clinical prediction models: time to change the approach, 2020, JAMA
Amin Adibi , Mohsen Sadatsafavi , John Ioannidis
Lowering the P value threshold, 2019, JAMA
Amin Adibi , Don Sin , Mohsen Sadatsafavi